2015 art works 2015 Exhibitions IN ENGLISH Videos Visual Jazz

Looking Back

She is looking back, hiden amongst her own blues and attempting to become a Captain of her own ship. Only those who really care will see her….

Looking Back (2015) 50x50IAB_editedlong
Looking Back (2015) by Ignacio Alperin – detail-

Distance. We always need distance. “20/20 vision in hindsight” says the refrain. Being in the middle of whatever it is we are trying to clarify, solve, understand… is always a challenging place to be. That is why so few can become strong decision makers. Being able to make decisions in the middle of the storm is something that is in the purview of a good ship´s captain. And we know that not everyone has what it takes to make it there.

So for most mortals, looking back may be one of the ways in which we learn. It is a way to really “see” and better understand what happened, and what we must do to avoid the negatives and make even better all the positives.

Bill Mays plays “Looking Back”

The problem here is that for nearly everyone, looking back would mean admitting mistakes, maybe some bad decisions, or the existence of opportunities that may have been mistakenly lost or left unattended. So we revisit scenes on our own. It is mostly a private affair. Almost as peering through a half open door and watching a scene from a movie that feels familiar.

It is like home schooling for grown-ups. Only when we test it against others, we may find out whether it really worked or not. In the meantime, we keep going. We keep looking back. We keep seeing better and better, even if most often than not, a little while too late. 

Looking Back (2015), By Ignacio Alperin Bruvera

She is looking back, hiden amongst her own blues and attempting to become a Captain of her own ship. Only those who really care  will see her, pondering, about what was left behind. Looking back…

Looking Back (2015) 50x50IAB

Acrylic, Ink, and Oil based paints on Canvas. 50cm x 50cm

In more detail, some macro photography of the same painting.

And finally…there “she” is, just in case you want to know…. barely sketched but, just like “her”, if we look back at the painting and at a distance, we will see.


Until next time!


sombras nada mas arteba mod3ochreB

©2016 by Ignacio Alperin Bruvera











By Ignacio Alperin Bruvera

Ignacio Alperin nació en Argentina, creció en Australia y vivió temporariamente en varios países alrededor del mundo. Es un creativo en la definición más amplia de la palabra. Posee una experiencia internacional extensa y diversa, obtenida en una carrera profesional alejada de lo lineal. Hoy en día es Profesor en los MBAs de la Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA), Profesor de Creatividad e Innovación (Grado) en UCA Internacional y da clases y charlas como profesor visitante en entidades extrajeras. Es un emprendedor serial, aparte de consultor en temas tan variados como creatividad, innovación, liderazgo, arte y todo tipos de temas relacionados con el management y la dirección de empresas. Es también orador en eventos nacionales e internacionales, escribe ocasionalmente en diferentes publicaciones y por supuesto, tiene una carrera establecida como pintor y artista plástico.


Ignacio Alperin was born in Argentina, grew up in Australia and lived temporarily in several countries around the world. He is a creative in every possible description of the word. He has an extensive and diverse international experience, obtained in a professional and corporate career far from the linear. Nowadays he is a Professor in the MBAs of the Argentine Catholic University (UCA), Professor of Creativity and Innovation (Degree) in UCA International, and gives lectures and talks in foreign universities. He is a serial entrepreneur, and a consultant in such diverse areas as creativity, innovation, art, leadership, and other management and business related subjects. He is also a key note speaker in national and international events, he occasionally writes for different publications, and of course, he has a well established career as a painter and an artist.

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